AAFT Fellowship is the credentialed level of membership in AAFT and its criteria sets the standard for therapists practicing in Asia. Fellows are expected to have met the rigorous standards of training in marriage and family therapy or related mental health field.
When you have completed the form, please mail the form and all relevant documents to:
Membership Committee,
Asian Academy of Family Therapy Limited,
No. 4 Pottinger Street,
Central, Hong Kong
In order for the application process to go quickly and smoothly, please make sure to include the following:
Your completed application form (please retain a copy for your records),
Official transcript,
Post-graduate experience documentation,
Clinical supervision documentation signed by your supervisor,
A videotape demonstrating the way you interview families or a written case presentation on how you work with families in your local context.
US$100 vetting fee made payable to Asian Academy of Family Therapy.
How is my application assessed?
Vetting will be conducted by the AAFT Accreditation committee, which will be composed of the core Vetting Committee members and local representative(s) from various regions. Applications will be processed by core Vetting Committee members and the representative(s) of the region from where the applicant is applying.
How long does it take for my fellowship to become active?
Applications typically take approximately 3-4 weeks to process. We will contact you via email if further documentation is required and whether your application had been approved.
Accreditation Criteria for Licensure of AAFT Clinical Fellow
Criteria is designed specifically for therapists practicing in the Asian region. In addition to the educational, clinical, and practicum requirements, we also emphasize the cultural understanding of the region in which the therapist is conducting his/ her practice.
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Educational Requirement
A Master’s or Doctoral degree in Marriage and Family Therapy, related mental health field, or equivalent (in systemic thinking).
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Clinical Experience
Minimum of three (3) years of post-graduate experience with specific target groups or on targeted areas of intervention
Working experience must include a minimum of 20 cases using systemic approach, the documentation of which should be validated by a clinical supervisor or mentor.
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Demonstration of culturally related practice
Submit a comprehensive case study either by video presentation or in written form, showcasing systemic practice proficiency in working with clinical cases within the respective local contexts. Cases that were published as a paper in a peer-reviewed journal or presented at an international or regional conference would also be considered.
Postgraduate Supervision
Record of a minimum of 100 hours of supervision, including individual and group, by a credible supervisor1 upon completion of master and doctoral degree in systemic therapy.
1 Please provide the credentials of your supervisor.
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Complete the application form and provide all the above information and evidence, as indicated on the form with the appropriate references for vetting by the AAFT Membership Vetting Committee.
AAFT Vetting Committee comprises the Chair of Accreditation Committee, Chair of Membership Committee, AAFT Clinical Directorate, AAFT Executive Director, in addition to a representative from the applicant’s region.
Membership will be renewed every 5 years after evidence of continued practice have been submitted. Members will also need to demonstrate that the applicant has had successfully completed at least one (1) family therapy course as continuing education
Vetting is conducted by the AAFT Vetting Committee, which is composed of the Chair of Accreditation Committee Chair of Membership Committee, AAFT Clinical Directorate, AAFT Executive Director, as well as a representative from the applicant’s region.