Eia ASEN, FRCPsych, is Clinical Director of Marlborough Family Services in London.
Dr. Asen is both a Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist as well as a Consultant Psychiatrist in Psychotherapy. He is also Visiting Professor, University College London.
An internationally renowned family therapist, Dr. Asen is best known for his innovative efforts in applying the systemic perspective to many important mental health issues. His work on Depression, for example, has changed the traditional drug treatment to a relational approach. His work on multifamily intervention is another much adopted treatment approach internationally.
Asen, E. (2010): Mentalization-Based Family Therapy. Paedagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift, 47, 49 – 54.
McHugh, B., Dawson, N., Scrafton, A. & Asen, E. (2010). ‘Hearts on their sleeves’: the use of systemic biofeedback in schools. Journal of Family Therapy, 32, 58 – 72.
Asen, E. & Scholz, M. (2010). Multi-Family Therapy: Concepts and Techniques. Routledge, London, UK.
Asen, E. (2009). Multifamilientherapie. Familiendynamik, 34, 2 – 9.
Asen, E. (2009). Systemic Interventions for Depression. In Depression in Childhood and Adolescence, ACAMH Occasional Papers, 28, 79 – 86
Asen, E. (2009) Interkulturelle Entwicklung des Systemischen Feldes. Vergleiche zwischenEngland und Deutschland. Zeitschrift für Systemische Therapie und Beratung, 27, 74 – 79.
Asen, E. (2008). Systemic interventions with older adults and their families. In Jacoby, R., Oppenheimer, C., Dening, T. & Thomas, A. (Eds), Oxford Textbook of Old Age Psychiatry. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Clinical Co-Director
Dr Eia ASEN, FRCPsych, is Clinical Director of Marlborough Family Services in London.
Dr. Asen is both a Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist as well as a Consultant Psychiatrist in Psychotherapy. He is also Visiting Professor, University College London.